Friday, 12 February 2016

Benefits of using LED bulbs and tubes

LED light emitting diodes is far superior to the conventional lighting in power saving and also as smart solution. It is also cleanest and eco-friendly way of lighting. One of the major benefits of LED lighting is that the bulbs and tubes have longer life. Under the normal conditions, it takes at least a decade before the need for replacement comes. The only negative side of the longer life is that the bulbs and tubes may emit less light and become less bright. But that happen after many years.

Energy efficiency of LED lighting is around 80 -90 % compare to just around 20 % in conventional lights. In other words, this means that the waste of electricity in conventional lighting is around 80 %. The practical aspect of this efficiency is the decrease in electricity bills by more than half of the cost. The long operational life adds the energy efficiency and saves huge cost at higher levels.

LED bulbs and tubes are made with durable and sturdy material and can withstand bit touch transportation conditions. These lighting systems are resistant to vibrations, shocks and external impact. The outdoor lighting of LED bulbs and tubes can have a great advantage over conventional lighting. Because of their capability to withstand the extreme weather conditions and dust of the construction sites and traffic lights, these are highly suitable for outdoors.

LED lights have almost nil UV emissions, which makes them perfect for UV sensitive persons and objects in museums, art galleries and in archeological sites etc. LEDs can be produced in any shape to get the desired level of lighting. The lighting from these types of bulbs and tubes can be controlled to get the best lighting for a particular room or place. The illumination system of LED can be controlled to achieve fabulous lighting effects for festival occasions .LED lighting also bright up immediately, when switched on, this is immensely helpful in traffic lights and roads during dim light conditions. The frequent on and off does not impact the quality of light or operational life of the LED system unlike conventional lighting. Luxter LED Bulbs Manufacturer LED lighting is free of toxic material like mercury , which is available in conventional bulbs and tubes .These are also recyclable , which means that the carbon footprint is reduce considerably by up to a third . The led lightings are designed in such a way that they can focus light in particular direction, without use of external reflectors. This application increases efficiency of this type of lighting.    

The benefit of this type of lighting can be great factor in use of LED lighting in rural areas of India. Luxter LED Tube Light Manufacturer. The low voltage power supply is sufficient for this lightings. With the use of solar energy supply, the led can be used extensively in rural India. 

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